After all the boring travelling to Norway, we got there at about 12 at night so we couldn't see much. When I woke up though, the town that we were staying in was amazing, a nice lake outside our hotel with lots of amazing buildings. The thunder storms where cool as well, really scary though.
The wall was about 15m high not that tall for European standard but still I knew the routes would be really hard. My first qualifier was up a steep wall on black holds. I warmed up well, and was buzzing. Had butterflies though, I'd defiantly had put the pressure on myself. I sat under the route, wondering if I had put on too much pressure. The high point was a couple holds from the top so that was what I was aiming to beat. Once again messing up my knot the first time, because I was so nervous. I felt my heart hammering in my chest as I went up to the wall. I started, the first moves were really powerful and I was instantly shocked. It wasn't going well but I managed to find a rest and recover myself. I was once again calm. The next moves were really hard and this was the main section where most people fell. I kept going, but the pump had hit me and I was now struggling desperately, I did the next couple moves and was on the second to last hold! I couldn't even hold it, my route was over I just got the plus and lowered down disappointed I had been that close to topping a route.
So my next route, it looked amazing! A massive overhanging groove with some crazy moves. I was excited and on first, yes! Could set a bar for the others to follow. I wasn't as nervous this time but still I had put the pressure on. I cruised the first steep wall and just about sketched my way into the groove rest. It had been hard but I still had a couple more clips to go, it wasn't going to be easy. I did the little traverse feeling tired but still able to keep pulling, I looked up and there where only three holds left, two of which were awful looking slopers. Wow! They weren't actually that bad, and I could hold them easily. I made the last couple moves and clipped that chains! This was my first top in a European and it felt amazing! I lowered of just feeling insane knowing that everyone else would be scared silly of the bar I set. Although this wasn't as hard as I first thought and both Will and Jim both topped. So after qualification there was nothing more I could have done. I checked the results and guess what! I'd qualified in 4th place! I was shocked more than anything else to do so well.

So all the lead competitions are over, and I've got Laval next the European boulder so it is time to get strong! Psyched for it!
Rock and Rapid
Troll Outdoor