Sunday, 26 February 2012

Spain Ticklist

Spain was so good we stayed in the Casaroc house in Sella and climbed everyday. The weather was really nice but not to hot which was good for crushing stuff.I got 36 routes done!
Day 1 Sella   Pequenecos 4+, warm up             Day 2 Gandia Quien Malonda 7a+
Cuidado con mi sombrero 6a+                                                  Blaniulus Gluttulatus 7a
Fulanita y sus menganos 6b                                                       Zucaricida 6c
Martin Galas 6b+                                                                       El sol 6b+
Vaya tipo el de Oti 6c+                                                              Pepestroika 6b
Cardo Borriquero 6c+ exposed!                                                 Ultima Albertencia 6c
Acrobata porcino 7a                                                                   Enya 7b+ first 7b+ flash!
Kashba 6c+                                                                                 L'os 7a
Seventh Samurai 6c
Tryed to onsight La hora de Millau 7c but fell

Day 3 Sella Speedy Gonzalez 5+                            Day 4 So called rest day. We did the Bernia ridge
                    aqui no nos djan aparcar 6a+               at the end of it I was so tired
                    Los coreanos 6c+
                    Fisura con finura 6a
                    Nameless 7b hard onsight
                    Oceano 7b easy onsight
                    Ergometria 8A awsome 3rd try
Day 5 Cabezon de ora Usoara 6b+                         Day 6 Forada Muscleman 7b
                                     Foarte Usoara 7a                           Thor 7b+
                                     Pitulicha 6c+                                  Elios 7a+
                                     Dragoste 7a+                                  Spiderman 7a
Almost onsighted Columneta 8a then Luke broke             Starman 7a
a hold so desperate.                                                             Disturbio Vertical 6c
                                                                                             El golfo de la guerra 6b+
                                                                                             Bum-bum 7a+

The only route I redpointed was Ergometria the rest were first go. Pictures will come soon!

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